Friday, August 8, 2008


I read with disgust and annoyance a full page advert directed at some Nigerians giving unnecessary and unwanted support to Barack Obama.
I marvel at the level of waste of resources channeled to this unnecessary event.
Top artist and extravagant cost are being charged as ticket fee to attend this show of vain. I call it show of shame because in a country where 80% of her population lives below a dollar and yet some entities could gather themselves amidst there suffering fellow men to organize a shameless concert that add no value to the election in America.
Aside only God knows if Obama needs this support to get to the white house, moreover it reminds me of that young lady that donated some 7000 thousand pairs of shoe to kids with none to wear. I wonder how many pairs of shoe the price of a full page advert will buy talk less of other expenses. Vanity upon vanity.

Monday, July 7, 2008

“The shame of a leader”

Description of Mugabe by Madiba, I asked similar question in my blog some days after the first general election in Zimbabwe, why has Mandela refused to comment on the demonic leadership in former Rhodesia?
Freedom or Human Liberation is not limited to age, sex, religion or what have you. It is a clear function of Humanity. History will definitely remember Mandela as an icon or close to saint while the opposite goes for Mugabe.
The cries of agonized mothers, the wailing of starved children and the blood of our brothers will be on Mugabe and his family.
Mobutu, Eyadinma, Idi amin, and Abacha all tried to hold unto power but when death
came calling, power left them naked at the mercy of death.
One day some day, same faith will befall Mugabe. “Time will tell”
Zimbabwe will rise again.
Africa will rise again
God bless Zimbabwe
God bless Africa.

Friday, May 9, 2008

African Leaders and POWER

Power is the possession of control or command over others, and that is the exact act that various leaders have committed in all part of Africa.
The black continent has suffered various degree of bloodshed in recent and past, and all could be attributed to power share.
It is either our leaders do not want to vacate the post or they do not want the opposition to get there.
Mugabe of Zimbabwe is the most recent actor in this film of power, he is refusing to let go the leadership role he has abused for over 2 decades, despite been defeated in the March 29 election.
Kenya is still very much fresh in our memory, based on Kibaki refusal to accept defeat, innocent blood has been shed and people have to run from there homes to avoid being slaughtered.
In 2004, an umbrella group of opposition under the name Kifaya (which means Enough) emerged in Egypt to clamour for political change after 24 years of Hosni Mubarak., President Mubarak has had four six-year terms since assuming office.
In Burkina Faso , President Blaise Compaore ran again and won the November 13, 2005 poll. Compaore, a former army captain like Mubarak, seized power in a bloody coup in 1987. Trading his military fatigues for civilian dress, he went on to win two landslide elections in 1991 and 1998, never mind that the elections were boycotted by the main opposition parties, which complained that the electoral system was opaque and unfair.
In Togo, President Gnassingbe Eyadema died in office and his son smartly took over the mantle of leadership.
Also, in February 2006, Yoweri Museveni of Ugandareturned to power in a general election.
Paul Biya has ruled Cameroon since Novenber 1982, in Senegal Abdou Diouf served from 1981 – 2000 before handling over to Abdoulaye Wade.
Gadafi of Libya is the fourth longest-serving head of state currently in office and longest-serving head of government.
El Hadj Omar Bongo Ondimba of Gabon became President of Gabon in 1967. He was just 31 and the world's youngest president at the time. And 41 years after he still is the president.
Mathieu Kérékou of Benin Republic ruled the country for 17 years before stepping down
Our own Olusegun obasanjo planned and wanted to go for a third term but but Nigerians were able to get rid of him without any bloodshed.
It is glaring from the above that what African leaders do to remain in office is to amend the constitution to suit their evil desire to stay longer in power, they are certain of cheap victory because anybody that challenges them are either thrown into the gallows or sent to the grave.
Constitutional amendments, which extend the life of the incumbent, seems to be an agreed style among African Union member states, as no member nation has ever criticised one another for it.
It is high time Africans stand and liberates themselves from these wicked, demonic leaders.
We have to stand up for our right (because nobody will).
God bless Africa.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

me and her

I know of a lady, we had it together in past but the tide of time swept out the passion and left us both emotionally naked. Time has passed and nature seems to be playing us back together
The way destiny plays us mortal, I just can’t but wonder “if only men knows tomorrow” . Right now we seem to be heading back on track and everything is happening so fast that I can’t believe my luck.
Maybe I’ve found what am looking maybe I have not, all I know is that it looks so real now and am not gonna let it go. To her i say you are loved and it is for real.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Zimbabwe and the rest of Africa.

It is no news again that sorrow, blood and tears looms largely in this southern part of Africa. This is a country regarded as the pride of Africa in some years back but as it is right now if divine intervention does not wade in, the avoidable might happen.
The turn out of event after the election state clearly that Zimbabweans does not want Mugabe any longer but as the thread in Africa whereby leaders force themselves on the people, he has refused to vacate the role and the opposition are threatening social revolution which always prove bloody and disastrous. Same happened in Rwanda and it is ongoing in Sudan.
A ship loaded with ammunition destined for Zimbabwe was rejected at the South Africa port and was seen sailing towards Angola. (The ammunition was sent in from china CNN April 20, 2008).
We call on Mugabe allies Thabo Mbeki, Nelson Mandela, and Moammar Kadaffi to please call on there brother to please step down in the interest of women and children and let peace reign in Zimbabwe.
God bless Africa

Monday, February 11, 2008

ghana 2008 a reflection of our society

Nigerian soccer fans were bitterly disappointed at the super eagle’s woeful display in the just concluded Nations cup in Ghana. Every soccer loving Nigerian has been on the look out for this tournament for so many reasons, ranging from an escape route to stress, a change from the constant political brouhaha always on the headlines, to witness the Super eagles flexing their superiority in Africa and so on. Ever since the disgraceful elimination in Ghana, Nigerians has been clamoring for Vogts head, But the problem goes beyond the unpatriotic players, uncommitted coach and scavengers of a NFA.
What happened in Ghana is just a reflection of the Nigerian government at large. It reflects the many wrong doings in the NFA or can we explain a contract that allows the head coach to work from the comfort of his bedroom in Germany while he coaches a country in Africa. (Strange isn’t it?
The I don’t care altitude of the NFA reflects the character of our leaders, like the NFA that care less about the faithful soccer fans, Our government care less about the life of her citizens. They care less about our educations, security, infrastructure, the children, the physically challenged and all.
Recently they proposed shutting down Benin bypass, because it won't stop consuming human lifes due to the bad state of the road, Lagos/Ibadan exp road is the shortest and surest road to the grave, Benin / Ore road is a very good death trap, the present administration accused the former of spending $10m & $16m on power, the result is very glaring for all to see!!!!!!
Asuu is proposing strike again which implies that the lives of our dear youth will be paused or wasted as always, very soon Adedibu will wake up and throw the whole Ibadan into chaos based on the veto power invested on him by the Federal government, the Niger / delta youth (militants) willingly choosed an occupation in kidnapping based on reasons best known to them, ritual killing is no longer a big deal, arm robbery attack is a normal occurrence, killing and looting, oppression, conruption,tribal killing based on ethnocentrism and so on………..
It is high time our leaders wake up and be responsible for the moving forward of this country, let them know it is not a pocket or account affair but the life of the unborn generation depends on the decisions they make today.
We clearly saw the unpatriotic spirit in our boys in Ghana which is a clear expression of what the government squeezed out of them. Our leaders need to instill trust into the people and make the common man believe in the color green white green again!!!!!!!
At least we have been sensible enough not to go the way of the Kenyans, Chadian, and Rwandans. Even the so called wealthy men will not live to enjoy there ill-gotten wealth if Nigerians should be pushed to the wall / war.
Enough has been said…………

Monday, January 28, 2008

kenya again!!!!!!!!!

The crisis in Kenya is an affirmation of my thread which i posted on May 30 2007 titled 'WHOSE PROBLEM'. The Kenyans are presently killing themselves under the pretense of election fraud.
The killing has left more than 500 people dead and over 250,000 has fled there homes.
After independence, Kenya promoted rapid economic growth through public investment, encouragement of smallholder agricultural production, and incentives for private (often foreign) industrial investment.
With a booming economy and tourist trade, Kenya had been considered a bright spot in East Africa. But its Dec. 27 election, which was supposed to be the pride of African democracy, sparked a spiral of violence after candidate Raila Odinga and his supporters accused incumbent President Mwai Kibaki of rigging the results.
What started as a political protest quickly turned into something much more bloody and dangerous, the recent event in Kenya brings to my memory Rwanda genocide, it all started like this. As it is now, the fight is a result of long harbored feeling between the country's two largest ethnic groups--the Luo, who support Odinga, and the Kikuyu, who back Kibaki. The two groups have been wary of each other since Kenya achieved independence from Britain in 1963, and the Luo have never held the presidency.
Two Olympian were macheted and burnt to death and there offence was for being a native of Luo, On Jan. 1, a church in Kiambaa where Kikuyu had sought refuge was burned by an angry mob. At least 50 people, many of them women and children, died in the attack.
Issues like this will hardly happen in the western world which actually makes me wonder if James Watson claims, "that Africans are of lower IQ than the westerners is true". I only can appeal and pray for our brothers and sisters in Kenya to shield sword and focus on peace.
Africans let be wise and let move on.
Enough of one step forward, a thousand backward.
Enough of ethnocentrism
Enough of prejudices

Enough is enough......

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

New Beginning!!!

It a new year, New beginning
It is a privilege to be alive in this New Year,
Another opportunity for all that are gone to come back for good,
An opportunity to make some more right,
An opportunity to be our brother’s keeper,
An opportunity to share more love and be more humane,
An opportunity to be much more sincere and honest in our dealings.
Basically an opportunity to live a better life than the previous.
Looking behind at the events of 2007, from the good to the bad and ugly, one cannot help but be grateful to the Supreme Being for having mercy on us.
As we go through the unknown New Year, I pray we achieve and get closer to our dreams.