Wednesday, May 30, 2007

whose problem

In the course of chat with a friend, we spoke about Africa and her problems; he was of the opinion that Africans are the cause of the problem while I belong to the school of thought of those who believe colonialism was the root of our problems.
Retrsopecting on the issue some days later, I came to a conclusion that both views were right to an extent but his view I believe had more weight, although truly speaking the white actually came to oppress in the name of civilization though leaving behind uncertainty after there forceful rule.
The question I now ask is what happened when the whites left? The Africa continent has refused to move forward taking a case study from (Rwanda 1994 genocide, Sudan killing still going on, Sierra Leone recently cease fire, Zimbabwe Mugabe making life miserable for his people) to mention but a few.
In almost all cases it’s a tribe fighting another over superiority or bad governance, when will Africa unite and leave Babylon? When will all the killing and looting stop? When shall will stop getting foreign aid? When shall we quit begging for western intervention?
All this can stop if we accept the fact that we are all one!!!
It’s high time we all come together and see ourselves as equals, as brothers and as one.
Finally, according to Anton Lembede a co founder of ANC ‘inferiority complex is the greatest barrier to liberation’. Africans need to liberate herself by seeing ourselves as ONE.
God bless mother Africa


BimbolaBalogun said...
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chaufllic said...

contrary, the white did nothing to spoil the black continent, they went there to civilize, bring hope and end some barbaric customs pratised among the africans then,.but as it is now Africans themselves don't want to move forward, probably all the instances sited by the author are good references.but i hope someday oneday the continent will leave behind her current state and be at the same level with the western world.