Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Will there be ever peace???

Says a late rapper “2pac shakur” in his album BETTERDAYZ. While listening to this particular track a while ago, alone in my closet I reminisced on the phrase in comparison with the happenings all around the world, I could not but help shake my head and wonder if truly there would ever be peace in the world, taking a look at the long fought war in Iraq, to the inter tribal conflict that is consuming Sudan, to the California fire out break that has defied all firepower approach in quenching it off, to a list that seems endless. I could only pray for peace to reign in the world to make it a better place.
My thought process was broken by the music of another rock artist named Nickel back “if everyone cares”, truly if you and I, your friends and my friends all care then we will see the day fewer people cries…
If you and I loves then fewer people lies…
If you and I should swallow our pride then nobody dies.
If everyone cares the world would be safer and better place….

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Oprah got it all wrong

Recently, America’s TV girl, Oprah Winfrey, called on America to sever diplomatic relationships with world’s topmost corrupt countries.
Worst of all the countries, Oprah surmised, is Nigeria.
According to her, “all Nigerians – regardless of their level of education – are corrupt.”
It is very pathetic that Oprah could ascribe to a larger population, the evil act of an insignificant number of persons in the world’s most populous black nation.
Oprah’s conclusion is based on the fact that a Nigerian of Igbo extraction was caught with $500,000, which was alleged to have been stolen from a foreigner through the Internet fraud popularly known as 419.
Oprah had sponsored an hour-long programme, which ran for several days on the CNN, with the sole aim of exposing the clever tricks espoused by this group of Nigerians to con their victims.
Much has been said about the greed of the victims themselves, and I need not say more about it.
However, at a time when Americans are committing heinous crimes against children and women, nobody has tagged all Americans as murderous.
So, why call all Nigerians rogues because of the sin of a few bad eggs?
Oprah regularly tells her life story: how she was sexually abused by close relations, how she ‘walked the streets’ (Americans’ euphemism for prostitution), etc., but nobody has ever deemed it fit to tag all American men as incestuous because of Oprah and others’ experiences.
She did drugs – just like the typical American teenager, but nobody has cast all American youths in the mould of drug abusers!
So, why should an individual that is supposed to know better sentence a nation to odium for the infraction of a tiny fraction of its population?
I urge Oprah and her likes to disabuse their minds about Nigerians.
Be wary of requests for money from strangers, and if you fall for a scam, blame your greed and not Nigerians.

This is an adapt of Okoli Vitalis.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007


Leadership can be learned, we all have leadership potential, just as we have some ability to sing or run, some people may be better than others, but each of us has a starting point to build on with training and practice. Leadership is a process that helps a group to achieve its goals.
The person who exhibit leadership is someone that makes things happen that would not happen otherwise

Leaders should be well organized and have made time in their lives and for their group; leadership is a mix of knowledge, values, skills and behaviour. Each of us has beliefs about what characteristics an effective leader should possess. Different groups will also have different beliefs or values about what “makes an effective leader than other groups have”.
It is important then for a leader to know his/her own abilities, knowledge, values and how others perceive them. For example if “trust is a quality which is highly valued by the group then it’s important for the group leader to be viewed as a trustworthy person.
A successful leader makes an effort to learn and practice skills, some of the more essential component are: knowledge and understanding, skills and ability to communicate, build teams, vision, value for individual, the group and its responsibilities.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

whose problem

In the course of chat with a friend, we spoke about Africa and her problems; he was of the opinion that Africans are the cause of the problem while I belong to the school of thought of those who believe colonialism was the root of our problems.
Retrsopecting on the issue some days later, I came to a conclusion that both views were right to an extent but his view I believe had more weight, although truly speaking the white actually came to oppress in the name of civilization though leaving behind uncertainty after there forceful rule.
The question I now ask is what happened when the whites left? The Africa continent has refused to move forward taking a case study from (Rwanda 1994 genocide, Sudan killing still going on, Sierra Leone recently cease fire, Zimbabwe Mugabe making life miserable for his people) to mention but a few.
In almost all cases it’s a tribe fighting another over superiority or bad governance, when will Africa unite and leave Babylon? When will all the killing and looting stop? When shall will stop getting foreign aid? When shall we quit begging for western intervention?
All this can stop if we accept the fact that we are all one!!!
It’s high time we all come together and see ourselves as equals, as brothers and as one.
Finally, according to Anton Lembede a co founder of ANC ‘inferiority complex is the greatest barrier to liberation’. Africans need to liberate herself by seeing ourselves as ONE.
God bless mother Africa


Just like Tsavo, some decade of years back, Sudan could be referred to as a place of slaughter, thousand are being killed children and women are on daily basis felled by hot bullets. Sudan a country with population of 39 million choose to buy her fame via bloodshed, so many homes have been torn apart, more than 500,000 people have been killed, vultures have derived joy in the region because of constant source of food which are lifeless bodies of our brothers and sisters.
Similar to Rwanda how many more souls should be terminated before the act in Sudan could be classified as genocide.
How long will the killing go on before care for humanity intervenes, I ponder even if the so called western countries won’t come in probably because they got no oil or gold, what about other stable countries in Africa? Yearly they hold series of summit on development of the continent but it seems Sudan is never included in there agenda.
As a fellow touched by the flight of my African brothers and sisters in despair, I implored us to consider the fate of children and women 6fts below and more than a million alive to sign a petition against this cruel act of Bashir Taha and Gosh.
Why should you sign a petition?
It is one of the means that could bring the genocide in Sudan into limelight and force some intervention on them. visit any of this sites to sign a petition (,,(
Least I forget the song of a famous rock group,
If everyone cared and nobody cried
If everyone loved and nobody lied
If everyone shared and swallowed their pride
Then we'd see the day when nobody died

Peace in Sudan, Peace in Africa, Peace in the world.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

laide adewale passes on

I got to know uncle laide some 7 years ago, he happened to be the father and simulatneously a lecturer of my first friend (deji adewale) as an undergraduate student of obafemi awolowo univerity. Later in my 3rd year in school he housed me, and i got to know him better.
I will definitely miss him for his humor and respect he accords every individual he comes accross, regardless of status.
May his gentle soul rest in peace.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

natural law of justice

Whatsoever Good thing any man doeth, the same shall he received of the lord…………….

One day, a humble Scottish farmer named Fleming saved the life of a nobleman’s son who was mired in a bog. Next day, the boy’s father visited the farmer and offered to pay him, but the farmer wouldn’t hear of it. Just then the farmer’s son came to the door and the nobleman said, ‘then let me pay to educate your boy to the same standard as mine, and, if he turned out to be half the man his father is we’ll both be proud,’ Fleming agreed and the boy attended the best schools, eventually graduating from St. Mary’s Hospital Medical School in London,
You’ve probably heard of him- Sir Alexander Fleming, the man who discovered the miracle drug-penicillin, saving millions of lives. Years later when the same nobleman’s son developed pneumonia, guess what saved his life? Penicillin! And what was the nobleman’s name? Lord Randolph Churchill and his son’s name? Sir Winston Churchill, who helped save Europe from the horrors of the Third Reich! It’s the harvest law, you may not reap when or where you sow-but you’ll reap what you sow, listen ….it will all come back….. Whatever measure you use in giving will be used to measure what is given back to you; notice the words; it will all come back! Listen again…. Be generous … give freely… and the Lord….. Will bless you in everything…. Do you want to be blessed? Seriously blessed? Whatever you make happen for others, God will make happen for you.

Monday, April 23, 2007

keep your goals in sight!!!

Importance of goal setting.

Successful people have always had clear, focused goals that guide them to greatness.
It took Thomas Edison thousands of attempts and thousand of failures- over many years to invent the electric light bulb; but because he knew exactly what he wanted, his goal kept him going until he achieved it. Successful people always have clear goals, great musicians, great athletes, successful sales people and inspiring leaders know what they want in life and they go for it.

Success does not “just happen” it is built like a work of art. First it is imagined, then the skills, tools and materials are gathered and then the artist sets about creating a thing beauty. It takes time, it require skills, determination persistence and faith.

Just as an artist makes preliminary sketches and works out the details in his/her mind so does your success require written goals, carefully made choices, clear commitment and daily persistence? YOU CAN DO IT. Make something magnificent out of your life.