Monday, January 19, 2009

Israel and gaza

I saw the soilders standing next to the shop, I looked for my mum and then he shot me; one bullet hit my hand and the other went through my back and out through my stomach,' an account of samar, a young Gazian girl to Al jazeera while recovering from her wound at a gaza hospital.
21 days ago Israel declared war on Gaza aiming at wiping out the Hamas (a small group of rebel) who is turn fires unending rocket into Israel; so far the israel has killed 1,333 palestinians with 5,200 injured, at least 346 children are among the dead with scores of men and women waiting for their turn to be added to the dead statistic.
The war is not my issue but my concern is the insensitivity of humanity shown by almighty Israel on a minority, everyday a large number of children and about 44,000 pregnant women are at the mercy of hot shrapnel, bullet and forbidden white phosphorus, yet the israelis thinks it is unwise to cease fire.
To make the killing more interesting they barred every form of aid either from red cross or NGO's, why?
Red cross an international humanitarian organisation with presence in all countries, known for not taking sides in war related cases openly condemned the israelis decision of preventing human aids. As far as i am concern this is heading towards Oppresion / Genocide.
United nation a face of the America , an advocate of the Israelis chooses to be very mild with choice of statement, this was clearly demonstrated when there building was destroyed by the Israelis, this even happened with the presence of Un Sec gen in Israel.
I persoanally condemn this grievous act condemn by the Israel which i will term as an act of genocide.
Well they could get a tip from there American ally on little boy and fat boy (at least hiroshima and nagasaki has a place in history).
As we fold our hands and pray for a change of heart from the Israel government, my heart goes to our brothers in Gazans, one day some day all your trouble will be over.