Monday, February 11, 2008

ghana 2008 a reflection of our society

Nigerian soccer fans were bitterly disappointed at the super eagle’s woeful display in the just concluded Nations cup in Ghana. Every soccer loving Nigerian has been on the look out for this tournament for so many reasons, ranging from an escape route to stress, a change from the constant political brouhaha always on the headlines, to witness the Super eagles flexing their superiority in Africa and so on. Ever since the disgraceful elimination in Ghana, Nigerians has been clamoring for Vogts head, But the problem goes beyond the unpatriotic players, uncommitted coach and scavengers of a NFA.
What happened in Ghana is just a reflection of the Nigerian government at large. It reflects the many wrong doings in the NFA or can we explain a contract that allows the head coach to work from the comfort of his bedroom in Germany while he coaches a country in Africa. (Strange isn’t it?
The I don’t care altitude of the NFA reflects the character of our leaders, like the NFA that care less about the faithful soccer fans, Our government care less about the life of her citizens. They care less about our educations, security, infrastructure, the children, the physically challenged and all.
Recently they proposed shutting down Benin bypass, because it won't stop consuming human lifes due to the bad state of the road, Lagos/Ibadan exp road is the shortest and surest road to the grave, Benin / Ore road is a very good death trap, the present administration accused the former of spending $10m & $16m on power, the result is very glaring for all to see!!!!!!
Asuu is proposing strike again which implies that the lives of our dear youth will be paused or wasted as always, very soon Adedibu will wake up and throw the whole Ibadan into chaos based on the veto power invested on him by the Federal government, the Niger / delta youth (militants) willingly choosed an occupation in kidnapping based on reasons best known to them, ritual killing is no longer a big deal, arm robbery attack is a normal occurrence, killing and looting, oppression, conruption,tribal killing based on ethnocentrism and so on………..
It is high time our leaders wake up and be responsible for the moving forward of this country, let them know it is not a pocket or account affair but the life of the unborn generation depends on the decisions they make today.
We clearly saw the unpatriotic spirit in our boys in Ghana which is a clear expression of what the government squeezed out of them. Our leaders need to instill trust into the people and make the common man believe in the color green white green again!!!!!!!
At least we have been sensible enough not to go the way of the Kenyans, Chadian, and Rwandans. Even the so called wealthy men will not live to enjoy there ill-gotten wealth if Nigerians should be pushed to the wall / war.
Enough has been said…………