Thursday, April 26, 2007

natural law of justice

Whatsoever Good thing any man doeth, the same shall he received of the lord…………….

One day, a humble Scottish farmer named Fleming saved the life of a nobleman’s son who was mired in a bog. Next day, the boy’s father visited the farmer and offered to pay him, but the farmer wouldn’t hear of it. Just then the farmer’s son came to the door and the nobleman said, ‘then let me pay to educate your boy to the same standard as mine, and, if he turned out to be half the man his father is we’ll both be proud,’ Fleming agreed and the boy attended the best schools, eventually graduating from St. Mary’s Hospital Medical School in London,
You’ve probably heard of him- Sir Alexander Fleming, the man who discovered the miracle drug-penicillin, saving millions of lives. Years later when the same nobleman’s son developed pneumonia, guess what saved his life? Penicillin! And what was the nobleman’s name? Lord Randolph Churchill and his son’s name? Sir Winston Churchill, who helped save Europe from the horrors of the Third Reich! It’s the harvest law, you may not reap when or where you sow-but you’ll reap what you sow, listen ….it will all come back….. Whatever measure you use in giving will be used to measure what is given back to you; notice the words; it will all come back! Listen again…. Be generous … give freely… and the Lord….. Will bless you in everything…. Do you want to be blessed? Seriously blessed? Whatever you make happen for others, God will make happen for you.

Monday, April 23, 2007

keep your goals in sight!!!

Importance of goal setting.

Successful people have always had clear, focused goals that guide them to greatness.
It took Thomas Edison thousands of attempts and thousand of failures- over many years to invent the electric light bulb; but because he knew exactly what he wanted, his goal kept him going until he achieved it. Successful people always have clear goals, great musicians, great athletes, successful sales people and inspiring leaders know what they want in life and they go for it.

Success does not “just happen” it is built like a work of art. First it is imagined, then the skills, tools and materials are gathered and then the artist sets about creating a thing beauty. It takes time, it require skills, determination persistence and faith.

Just as an artist makes preliminary sketches and works out the details in his/her mind so does your success require written goals, carefully made choices, clear commitment and daily persistence? YOU CAN DO IT. Make something magnificent out of your life.